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话说伊甸园 It Started in a Garden

话说伊甸园 It Started in a Garden Image

话说伊甸园 是一套取材于圣经创世记的双语教学课程。本教材是为已具备中级英文程度的读者所作的一本书。希望他们能清楚明白圣经。适用于对圣经没有认识或认识不多,或是正在寻求与上帝建立个人关系的人。

It Started in a Garden (Bible Study book):「It Started in a Garden」is a bilingual Bible lessons based on the book of Genesis. It is specially designed for people with intermediate English proficiency so as to help them to understand the bible better. This book is also suitable for readers with little or no Bible knowledge, and for those who seek a relationship with God.

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